Welcome to our new GEC members!
Five new organisations joined the GEC at the start of 2025 and we're excited to work with them

We're delighted to welcome five new members to the Green Economy Coalition, as follows:
The Solar Stewardship Initiative (SSI) is the first-ever supply chain sustainability assurance scheme dedicated to the needs of the solar PV sector and its customers. The SSI brings together companies and stakeholders from across the global solar value chain to foster responsible production, sourcing, and stewardship of materials.
The Initiative establishes SSI Standards, fusing international standards, industry and civil society expertise, and political acumen, to deliver a supply chain sustainability solution tailored to the business of solar. The SSI Standards are used by independent assessors to evaluate compliance with robust sustainability and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria within companies active in the solar value chain.
The SSI was set in motion by SolarPower Europe and Solar Energy UK in March 2021, as part of a workstream established in 2015 to promote sustainable production in the solar value chain.
Positive Money: No matter who we are or where we come from, most of us want to live in a healthy and fair society. We value the things that really matter: that means housing we can afford, a doctors’ surgery we can get an appointment with, buses and trains that run on time, good jobs, clean air and green spaces.
But big corporations and banks have influenced some politicians to design our economic system so that money flows to a rich elite rather than to society as a whole. Instead of putting money into schools, hospitals and protecting our green spaces, they invest money in making homes unaffordable and in fossil fuels, and put us all at risk.
Positive Money believes that instead of allowing a rich elite to exploit people and nature to line their pockets, we should redesign our economic system for social justice and a liveable planet - so that we all have the things we need to live well, like clean air, good jobs and homes we can afford.
The Center for Rural Empowerment and Agricultural Transformation (CREATS) is a community-based organization operating in Homa Bay County, Kenya. CREATS works to foster social change and unlock the economic potential of rural communities through agricultural transformation, education, healthcare, and environmental conservation initiatives.
CREATS firmly believes that addressing hunger and poverty requires participatory development, active community involvement, and stakeholder engagement through initiatives that invite the community to solve their challenges. We leverage local resources to build, transform, and sustain long-term sustainable development.
Agritech Empowerment Network Kenya: AEN Kenya promotes organic farming and sustainable agriculture both locally and regionally in Kenya and beyond. We are dedicated to promoting sustainability in agriculture, enhancing livelihoods, and fostering inclusivity particularly among youths and women in the agricultural sector.
Institute for Global Prosperity: For the past ten years, IGP has been at the forefront of redesigning prosperity for the 21st century. We are transforming the way economies are conceived and managed, and redefining our relationship with the planet. Our vision is to build a prosperous, sustainable global future, rooted in fairness and justice, and aligned with a realistic, long-term understanding of humanity's place in the world.
Through pioneering research, IGP is dedicated to significantly improving the quality of life for current and future generations. Our strength lies in combining intellectual creativity with effective collaboration and policy development. A key aspect of our approach is the integration of non-academic expertise into our knowledge generation process, engaging with governments, policymakers, businesses, civil society, the arts, and local communities. As we celebrate our 10th anniversary, we remain committed to driving change and building a better future for all.