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The Pact for the Future: the view from our network

Is the UN's latest proclamation a landmark step forward for climate justice, or just another piece of paper? Our network weighs in.

By Jean McLean GEC · 30th September, 2024
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Image by Drew Beamer / Unsplash

We've recently returned from New York City, where the UN General Assembly and the Summit for the Future laid down the latest version of the international agenda towards sustainable development. But how are our allies within the movement reacting to the final draft of the Pact for the Future? We asked them: is it hot stuff, or damp squib?

“The Pact of the Future is a huge win - but it's just the starting line. The Pact calls for big changes, and we're emphasizing two key outcomes that can drive systemic transformation in the EU and worldwide: Action 53, which commits to rethinking how we measure of progress and what truly matters, and the annex Declaration on Future Generations, which outlines a long-term, whole-of-government approach to safeguard both present and future generation. Now, the real work begins — implementing these commitments.

While this is crucial globally, we're especially keen to see how Europe will lead the way. The good news is Europe has shown support, with President of the European Council, Charles Michel, stating: 'The Pact of the Future sends a powerful signal of confidence that, despite our differences and the challenges we face, we can work together and we want to work together.“

- Nicole Kormann da Silva, Policy Analyst, Zoe Institute for Future-Fit Economies

"The UN Summit of the Future was billed as a "once in a lifetime opportunity” to revitalise the multilateral system and recommit to address the challenges we face today and into the future.

While it didn’t live up to that billing, this was the summit that put Future Generations on the radar, and when you think about future generations you very quickly realise that we have to radically change course from today’s exploitative, extractive and destructive economic system and work toward an economy that puts the purpose of well-being of people and planet at the enter."

- Simon Ticehurst, Advocacy and Movements Lead, Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll)

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