The EPCRC will host the GEC's Mongolian national dialogue and policy hub, helping to stimulate green economy discussion and progress across the country.
The EPCRC is Mongolia's preeminent think tank. Established under the auspices of President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, our vision is to enhance Mongolia’s national economic competitiveness to enable a strong, sustainable business environment and socio-economic framework; one that improves the quality of life of all citizens. In short, we conduct locally-based, high quality research and advocate for change in finance, trade and infrastructure policy that directly affects Mongolia’s ability to compete in a global economy.
As a local think tank, the EPCRC remains committed to seeking out new opportunities to expand its knowledge, and improve research methodology and available data sources. The EPCRC undertakes specialized research projects in conjunction with strategic international and local partners. The EPCRC has a substantial experience for conducting a range of quantitative, survey-based research studies in the field of economic development and green economy.
Additionally, the EPCRC is dedicated in advocacy in the field of economic development and enhancing competitiveness. Some of the projects that the EPCRC acted as the main coordinator include the Mongolia Roadmap Project (2012), Scenarios for Mongolia (2013) project. The EPCRC also plays a chief role in organizing the annual Mongolia Economic Forum (MEF). The forum builds consensus for defining sustainable economic development policies and addressing pressing challenges faced by key sectors of Mongolia among policy makers, business communities, academia, and the civil society.
As an independent and leading Mongolian think-tank we look forward to bringing our local research, networks and expertise to the Green Economy Coalition. Mongolia is transitioning towards a green economy – a process we’ve proudly supported for a number of years, and one we’re excited to be able to progress further in partnership with the GEC.
Odonchimeg Ikhbayar, Deputy Director, EPCRC
Economic Policy and Competitiveness Research Center (ECPRC) brings a unique mix of economic research, policy and convening power. We are delighted to partner with them, and support the Green Economy transition in Mongolia.
Oliver Greenfield, Convenor, Green Economy Coalition