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Filling the Gaps in the Revised Draft of the Pact for the Future

The Pact for the Future offers an opportunity to bridge global divisions - but the current draft needs radically stronger commitments

By Guest Author · 30th June, 2024
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The Pact for the Future offers an opportunity to bridge global divisions that are crippling the international response to the grave threats the world is facing, including climate change, vast economic inequalities, and devastating wars. The Green Economy Coalition is proud to have signed the June 2024 "Filling the Gaps in the Revised Draft of the Pact for the Future: Civil Society Briefing Note", prepared by the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

We welcome several improvements in the revised draft, including action items that were absent or weaker in the Zero Draft committing to:

  • Strengthen the human rights pillar of the UN system.

  • Recognise the interrelatedness of the triple planetary crisis, including climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.

  • Strengthen the UN Environment Assembly.

  • Increase access to clean and renewable energy.

  • Address the issue of climate finance, including the need for climate finance to be new and additional, grant-based, highly concessional and consistent with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities to tackle deep inequalities between developed and developing countries.

  • Establish an independent high-level expert group to develop recommendations for moving beyond GDP.

  • “Explore options” to tax high-net-worth individuals.

  • Establish “universal, adequate, comprehensive and sustainable social protection systems”.

  • Align the multilateral trading system with achieving the SDGs.

  • Fundamentally transform our food systems so everyone can access safe, affordable and nutritious food.

  • Recognise gender equality for achieving the goals of the Pact.

However, the revised draft also includes some areas where language was weakened, or gaps were left unaddressed. To read the full draft of the briefing note, with suggestions for strengthening clauses and commitments towards a just future, click the button below.

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