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What place for the informal economy in green and inclusive growth?

By GEC · 19th January, 2016
Image: Juan Ignacio Tapia / Unsplash

The Green Economy Coalition is committed to green economies for all. But many green growth plans and initiatives – national and international – have failed to mention a huge part of economic activity: the informal economy.

There are many perspectives on the informal economy. Some associate it with lost revenue, unfair competition, low productivity, human rights abuses and environmental degradation; while others associate it with entrepreneurship, flexibility and resilience. But one thing is certain: if attempts to implement the post-2015 development agenda and achieve inclusive green growth are to succeed, they must be rooted in a sound understanding of the informal economy, and learn from innovations in policy, business practice and actions by those involved in the informal economy.

Together with our partners, IIED, WIEGO and the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) the GEC is hosting a high level conference focused on the role of informal economy in green and inclusive growth. The day is designed to bring together experience and expertise about the informal sector across countries and sectors, and to help build a new policy agenda for an inclusive green economy and sustainable development.

Thursday, 25 February 2016 from 08:30 to 20:00 (GMT);
Church House, Westminster, London.

For more information or you are interested in attending please contact

Image credit: Juan ignacio Tapia on Unsplash

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