Canadian CEOs & communities stand up for nature

On Thursday 7th December 2017, business and community leaders from across Canada sent an open letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, encouraging swift action to support the protection of nature and biodiversity in Canada.
The letter, which was organised by Green Economy Coalition members the Smart Prosperity Institute, argues that “...there is a critical window of opportunity right now for Canada to ramp up its efforts to conserve nature, protect endangered wildlife, and meet our international commitments under the Convention on Biological Diversity – including protecting at least 17% of our lands and inland waters and 10% of our coastal and marine areas by 2020.
As Canada celebrates 150 years, the time is right for the federal, provincial and territorial governments, working with Indigenous communities, the private sector, philanthropists and civil society, to make an historic investment in conserving our natural habitats, protecting species at risk, and securing the natural capital that is the foundation of our health, wealth and well-being. Together as Canadians let’s stand up for nature.”