Surveying the 'green economy' landscape post Rio+20

The green economy landscape is changing quickly. The bedrock is shifting, the terrain is morphing and new features are emerging.
To keep up with all of the recent developments the Green Economy Coalition secretariat have drafted a short 6 page background paper based on the collective intelligence from our members and wider network. The paper seeks to give a concise and balanced snapshot of who is doing what and where.
We see the paper as a live, intelligence gathering exercise within our network. Thank you to all our coalition members who have provided feedback already including WWF, GRI, ECODES, Ethical Markets, UNEP, Vitae Civilis and IIED.
We encourage you all to share your insights so that we can evolve this picture together. In particular, we would welcome
- your perspectives on other key trends at the national and international level;
- more in-depth news on business and the private sector work on green economy;
- and longer term plans the green economy from within our global network.
Do field your feedback through the comment section below so that others can read your insights.
We really look forward to hearing from you all.