No matter who we are or where we come from, most of us want to live in a healthy and fair society. We value the things that really matter: that means housing we can afford, a doctors’ surgery we can get an appointment with, buses and trains that run on time, good jobs, clean air and green spaces.
But big corporations and banks have influenced some politicians to design our economic system so that money flows to a rich elite rather than to society as a whole. Instead of putting money into schools, hospitals and protecting our green spaces, they invest money in making homes unaffordable and in fossil fuels, and put us all at risk.
Positive Money believes that instead of allowing a rich elite to exploit people and nature to line their pockets, we should redesign our economic system for social justice and a liveable planet - so that we all have the things we need to live well, like clean air, good jobs and homes we can afford.

“Positive Money is excited to join the GEC as part of our vision to redesign our economic system for social justice and a liveable planet, and to contribute towards the radical ideas and international collaboration we need to bring about a green and just transition for all.”
Paul Delaney
Executive Director, Positive Money
Become A Member
Collaboration sits at the core of our mandate. If your organisation is interested in joining the largest movement for green and fair economies, do get in touch.