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Tracking transition: The Green Economy Tracker
Our flagship analysis platform for green economy policies around the world, benchmarking 41 countries across 21 metrics and 6 themes. How's your country rated?

Our Members

The Coalition has 50+ members representing different interests: nature, poor people, business, government, workers. We come from different parts of the world, but we are all united by the same vision:

Prosperity for all within one planet limits.

Find out more about applying for membership here.

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“We’re proud to be members of the Green Economy Coalition and to be working with like-minded professionals across the globe to pursue the common goal of building a prosperous, sustainable global future, rooted in fairness and justice.”

Dame Henrietta L. Moore

Founder & Director,

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“Running a country, city or business without knowing how many resources you use compared to how many you have is like flying a plane without a fuel gauge.”

Mathis Wackernagel

President, GFN

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“Being a member of the Green Economy Coalition allows us to strengthen our collaboration with like-minded and complementary organisations and work together to mobilise “green action” in the broader trade ecosystem.”

Annegret Brauss

Coordinator, International Trade Centre

Become A Member

Collaboration sits at the core of our mandate. If your organisation is interested in joining the largest movement for green and fair economies, do get in touch.